New-Generation of Routers for Energy Efficient Network
An Optical Packet Metro Architecture for Fixed Mobile Convergence in the Cloud Era.
A. Gravey, Dj. Amar, Ph. Gravey, M. Morvan.
Photonic Network Communications 37(3), pp. 278-295, February 2019.
Experimental characterization of an SOA-based photonic integrated switch.
M. Freire, E. De Carvalho Rodriguez, A. Surampudi, F. Gillet, C. Ware, A. Lavignotte, C. Lepers.
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Hangzhou (China), November 2018.
Performance improvement of colored optical packet switching thanks to Time Slot Sharing.
A. Kamli, T. Atmaca, C. Lepers, A. Rataj, Dj. Amar.
Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT), Barcelona (Spain), July 2018. Best paper award.
Adaptation of N-Green Architecture for a Bursty Traffic.
T. Atmaca, A. Kamli, A. Rataj.
Conference on Computer Networks (CN), Gliwice (Poland), June 2018. Best paper award.
An Optical Packet Metro Architecture for Fixed Mobile Convergence in the Cloud Era.
B. Uscumlic, D. Chiaroni, B. Leclerc, T. Zami, A. Gravey, Ph. Gravey, M. Morvan, D. Barth, Dj. Amar.
Optical Network Design and Modeling Conference (ONDM), Dublin (Ireland), May 2018.
Modelling WDM packet insertion on a ring.
A. Gravey, Dj. Amar, Ph. Gravey, M. Morvan, B. Uscumlic, D. Chiaroni.
Optical Network Design and Modeling Conference (ONDM), Dublin (Ireland), May 2018.
On the interest of WDM-colored optical packets in metro aggregation networks.
C. Lepers, D. Amar, F. Gillet, D. Chiaroni.
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Guangzghou (China), November 2017.
Network Energy: Problematic and solutions towards sustainable ICT.
D. Chiaroni.
International Conference on Optics (ICO), Tokyo (Japan), August 2017. Invited conference.
WDM Slot Sharing of Colored Optical Packets for Latency Improvement and Class of Service Differentiation.
Dj. Amar, C. Lepers, F. Gillet, M. Lourdiane, C. Ware, D. Chiaroni.
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Girona (Spain), July 2017.
Towards WDM Slot switching for aggregation access and metropolitan applications: the ANR N-GREEN project.
C. Ware, D. Chiaroni.
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Girona (Spain), July 2017. Invited paper.
Potential of WDM packets.
D. Chiaroni, B. Uscumlic.
Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), Budapest (Hungary), May 2017. Invited paper.
Long-term CAPEX Evolution for Slotted Optical Packet Switching in Metropolitan Network.
A. Triki, A. Gravey, P. Gravey, M. Morvan.
Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), Budapest (Hungary), May 2017.
Carrier-Grade Performance Evaluation in Reliable Metro Networks Based on Optical Packet Switching.
A. Triki, Ion Popescu, A. Gravey, P. Gravey, T. Tsuritani.
International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) San Diego (USA), January 2017.
Time and Spectrum Aggregation in Metropolitan Network for Heterogeneous Traffic Profile.
I. Popescu, A. Triki, X. Cao, A. Gravey, T. Tsuritani, Ph. Gravey, N. Yoshikane, M. Morvan.
European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Düsseldorf (Germany), September 2016.
Recent advances in optical and hybrid packet switching.
C. Ware, W. Samoud, Ph. Gravey, M. Lourdiane.
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Trento (Italy), July 2016.
TWIN as a Future-Proof Optical Transport Technology for Next Generation Metro Networks.
A. Triki, I. Popescu, A. Gravey, X. Cao, T. Tsuritani, Ph. Gravey.
International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), Yokohama (Japan), June 2016.
ANR N-GREEN project: Eco-designed solutions for a greener ICT in high sensitive network segments.
D. Chiaroni, Invité, Workshop Green Days@Sophia, Sophia-Antipolis, 26-27 juin 2017.
Efficacité énergétique du nœud N-GREEN dans un réseau de paquets optiques colorés.
C. Lepers, Colloque IMT sur l’efficacité énergétique, Paris (France), avril 2017.